Setup OskarOS as Your Support Appointment Scheduling Software in 3 Simple Steps

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Support Appointment Scheduling Software

Optimize your support scheduling with OskarOS

Efficient support appointment scheduling is crucial across various industries. Whether you're troubleshooting software, providing hardware assistance, or offering remote desktop support, having a reliable system to manage these appointments is essential.

Since the release of OskarOS 0.9.5, our software has become even more versatile. One of the key updates in this version is the ability to feature services directly on the front page of your booking page. This functionality opens up a whole new world of possibilities, for example setting up OskarOS as a dedicated support appointment scheduling tool.

See OskarOS in action

In fact, we’ve set up our own support booking page using OskarOS to manage appointments for demos, setup support, and technical consultations. Have a look at our support appointment scheduling page here and feel free to book an appointment for yourself!

How to set up your support appointment scheduling system

Let's have a look now how you can set up OskarOS as your support appointment scheduling system in just three simple steps.

Step 1: Create an OskarOS account

Setup OskarOS as Your Support Appointment Scheduling Software in 3 Simple Steps

The first step in getting started with OskarOS is creating an account. We recommend registering with your general support email address. This ensures that your support team receives notifications about new appointment requests as soon as they come in, allowing for quick and efficient responses.

Step 2: Create your first service using the onboarding wizard

Setup OskarOS as Your Support Appointment Scheduling Software in 3 Simple Steps

Once your account is active, during the onboarding process, create your first service by choosing the 'Personal or professional services' option.—whether it's for software troubleshooting, network setup, or remote desktop support.

Setup OskarOS as Your Support Appointment Scheduling Software in 3 Simple Steps

You can now name your service and assign a few properties to it. In the next step you can then assign a team member who is responsible for managing all the appointment requests. For now, we recommend adding only one team member to manage support requests as team management functionalities are still under development.

Complete the onboarding wizard and you will be directed into your account.

Step 3: Fine-tune your service settings, and start sharing your support appointment URL

With your services and a first team member set up, the next step is to fine-tune your settings to match your specific business needs:

  • Flexible booking times: Allow customers to choose the length of their appointments, which is particularly useful for paid services where clients may require more time for complex issues.
  • Pricing options: If you offer paid support, you can easily add pricing to your support services. This feature is ideal for industries like IT consulting or software training, where the appointment itself is a billable service.

You can now share your OskarOS support appointment URL on your support website, in emails sent to customers who have requested a service appointment, or even in your email signature.

Is OskarOS the right fit for your support scheduling needs?

OskarOS is an excellent solution for a variety of service teams, including:

  • Service teams with existing support software: If you already have a support software in place but find it cumbersome to manage the booking of service or support slots, OskarOS is the perfect addition. It seamlessly integrates into your workflow, providing an easy-to-use interface for customers to book appointments directly, reducing the back-and-forth typically involved in scheduling.
  • Businesses offering paid support services: For industries where support services are billable, such as IT consulting or software training, OskarOS allows you to add pricing to your service offerings and manage bookings efficiently.
  • Companies looking to improve customer experience: By placing your services directly on the front page of your booking site, OskarOS makes it easier for customers to find and book the help they need, enhancing their overall experience.

Looking for a more comprehensive solution?

If you’re part of a larger team and need an all-in-one solution that manages both appointments and team workflows, OskarOS is evolving. While current features are tailored for small teams with one person managing the support requests, upcoming updates will include advanced team management functionalities such as team member invitations, role-based access, and automated appointment distribution (such as Round Robin distribution).

Got feedback you'd like to share with us, contact us here. Want a demonstration what OskarOS can do for you, directly book a demo here.

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