Set up OskarOS as a membership booking system (intermediate solution)

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Membership booking system

OskarOS enables you to manage resources, services, and events seamlessly. While we are in the process of developing a dedicated membership module, we have devised an intermediate solution that allows you to manage memberships effectively using the existing features of OskarOS.

Set up OskarOS as a membership booking system (intermediate solution)

Check out our demo membership page here.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and managing memberships within the system.

Step 1: Create a resource for membership management

Set up OskarOS as a membership booking system (intermediate solution)

Create a resource:

  • Navigate to the resources section in OskarOS.
  • Create a new resource that will manage all your memberships. For example, name it "Golf Club Memberships."

Set resource capacity:

  • Determine the number of memberships you wish to offer and set the resource capacity accordingly. This ensures that your system can handle the desired number of memberships.

Step 2: Define membership options

Set up OskarOS as a membership booking system (intermediate solution)

Create booking options:

  • Go to the booking options section.
  • Create various booking options that reflect your membership offerings. Examples include:
    • A one-month trial membership at a specific price or for free.
    • Annual memberships.
    • Flexible memberships ranging from 3 to 12 months.

Set time units:

  • For each booking option, define the time units (days, weeks, months, or years) that correspond to the duration of the membership.

Adjust advanced booking window:

  • Ensure that the advanced booking window is set for a longer timeframe to accommodate long-term memberships. The default setting is 180 days, but you may need to extend it to meet your requirements.

Step 3: Configure booking options with resources

Attach booking options:

  • Link the booking options you created to the resource designated for memberships.
  • This step ensures that the resource is bookable through these membership options.

Step 4: Customize your booking page

Hide the resource:

  • Go to Settings > Booking Page.
  • Use the new setting to hide the resource from appearing on the front booking page. This keeps the focus on your membership options while keeping the resource functional.

Rename the 'Choose a service' section:

  • Customize the title of the 'Choose a service' section to fit your business needs, such as "Choose a membership option."
Set up OskarOS as a membership booking system (intermediate solution)

Advantages of this solution

  • Centralized management: Manage memberships alongside other resources and services on the same booking page.
  • Flexible offerings: Offer memberships and non-membership services with different pricing and booking options.
  • Streamlined presentation: Display all membership options prominently on the booking page, ensuring customers can easily choose their preferred membership type.


  • Crowded Calendar: All memberships are recorded in the resource's calendar, which can become very crowded and difficult to manage as more memberships are added.
  • Limited Access Control: Memberships do not currently influence access to resources or service bookings. A dedicated solution will eventually allow member-only areas to restrict bookings to those with active memberships.

Got questions or feedback?

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